Environmental, Health, and Safety Policy
Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Policy
The LYCRA Company manages its businesses and operations in a manner that protects the environment, health and safety (EHS) of employees, customers, contractors and the public, while fully complying with applicable laws and regulations. Our company will continuously improve EHS performance toward a goal of zero incidents.
Nish Vasavada
"We relentlessly pursue EHS Excellence because our long-term success as a responsible corporation depends on it. And our safety record is a testament to this commitment. One key safety benchmark we compare against across all locations globally is the OSHA recordable injury rate. The LYCRA Company’s recordable injury rate in 2018 is about one fourth of the U. S. Chemical Industry and one seventh of all U. S. manufacturing industries."Nish Vasavada
Global Director of EHS
The LYCRA Company